Filbert West Oakland LLC

Filbert West Oakland LLC is a subsidiary of Richmond Neighborhood Housing Services, now serving Contra Costa and Alameda County families. And now we’ll support affordable housing through infill development.

Our first Project is the Filbert West Oakland Development. The Filbert West Oakland lot is located at 3003 Filbert Street, at the corner of 30th Street in West Oakland, California. The Development at completion will have ten single-family homes. Some will have accessory dwelling unit (ADU) attachments. An ADU is “an attached or detached residential dwelling.”

If you would like to receive additional details about the Filbert West Oakland Development as the project moves forward, please complete the adjacent contact form. If you have interest in only one of these properties and would like to be considered as a potential buyer, please check back with us January 2019 to be added to our list of potential homeowners.

These new homes will not exceed $540,000 in sales price and will be for first time home buyer’s that meet Alameda County AMI income limits, not exceeding 120% income for a family of four. All homes will have deed restrictions and owner occupancy requirements, with an equity share component to ensure affordability.

“RNHS believe the banks have done a decent job in providing funds, and we are doing our part to secure inventory for first-time homebuyers to have properties they can purchase in the Bay Area. We understand the challenges of a first time homebuyer purchasing a home in the Bay Area. RNHS continues to define opportunities to change the narrative of homeownership in the communities we serve.” Nikki Beasley, RNHS Executive Director.

In order for us to ensure affordability, we will be launching our capital campaign mid-August. The goal is to raise $2.8 million. The expected cost of the project will be roughly $7M. The more we raise, the more it will ensure affordability!

Richmond Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc. (510) 237-6459